dimanche 22 septembre 2013

Tangled Humidity

This evening the roads are still busy because of some cycling event. Trying to drive a friend to the station and getting stuck in traffic. Yes, football was on and the same crowd of match drunks was spilling onto the streets, just outside pubs. Sunday freaks and fashion-whatever wandering around Brick lane, but really today was worse than the usual.
What's happening to the east? or what has not already happened. Too much weirdness, can't really describe it but it was wild. Dangerous. Anyway I was most pleased to return home and research this playlist.

Different strokes, the pleasure's mine.
Position Normal, Bush Tetras, Family Fodder, Francis Bebey, Ike Yard, Meridian Brothers and The Ravens.

PS: The title of the playlist was lifted from a song by Testbid!. I wanted to include it but it didn't work so find it yourself, it's on Spotify. I'll also need to talk about Peter Ivers. Soon.

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