Sebastien Roux works at IRCAM (Institute for Research and Coordination Acoustic/Music) in Paris, has developped Max/Msp plugins and among other good things, has made the album "Paquet Surprise" with Greg Davis.
1. Your first musical memories?
Not sure... “Money for nothing” by Dire Straits or “Angel Eyes” by Wet Wet Wet.
2. The best record you received as a present? / The worse one?
The best one : the sound track for David Lynch's “Eraserhead”
The worst one : honestly, no idea.
3. The first record that you lost?
Faith by The Cure
4. The name of your imaginary band?
The Brians
5. In which environment do you like to record music?
From 9 am to 7 pm, monday to friday.
6. What will music sound like in 50 years / 5000 years?
There is not one music to me, so it's pretty hard to predict anything for the next 50 years.
In 5000 years : hopefully the human race will have disappeared. And so will be the concept of music.
7. Which underrated album will start a new musical genre?
I don't really like the concept of musical genre. I like people who make personal music.
8. Which album should never have been made?
There are absolutely so many records that should be mentioned here...
9. Your favourite album to have a drink?
Le Marteau sans maitre by Pierre Boulez.
10. Your dream collaboration?
I would have dreamt to work with Alain Bashung.
11. The record that freaks you out?
Le Marteau sans maitre by Pierre Boulez.
12. The record you would like to listen to right now?
Blonde on Blonde
13. The film that tickles your creativity?
Any of David Lynch's movies.
14. The little-known track that everyone should have heard of?
My Game of Loving by White Noise
15. An album or an artist you wouldn’t want to be?
Sébastien Roux.
16. The cover version you would love to do?
A Neil Young cover I guess. Don't let it bring you down maybe ?
17. The mashup you would love to do?
Les Thugs with Pierre Boulez. It works. I tried that during a wedding party.
18. The text you would like to produce a soundtrack for?
The last text I work on was a Célia Houdart's one and I hope the next one will be by Célia too !
19. Have you ever had auditory hallucinations?
As far as I can remember, no.
20. How would you like to die?
I don't wanna die.
Sebastien Roux & Greg Davis - Good decision
Read his biography, listen to his myspace, watch a video including a performance by sebastien and go to the IRCAM website.
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