Turn the tap off on a half full basin. Encrusted bean on the enamel drops in a layer of rainbow bubbles. Scratched in circle motions, the bean holds on, needs to be soaked. Grab my rucksack, kiss the girl on her back and lock the door. Wobbly ghouls looking for a fill up, not to be trusted.
The tick of the clock on an empty road, waiting for the headlights giving the heads up, I’m already late, not yet started. Red-stop-green-go, times a hundred. Swipe my card, slow barrier one day will fall and ruin the windscreen; fifty quid in insurance. Greetings: ‘hello’, ‘not too bad’, ‘yeah it’s cold’.
Dressed up for a free party, solid shoes and gloves, high visibility jacket, mask and helmet; here comes the metallic chameleon, patterns copyrighted. First turn the hose-pipe to eleven, only looking for a fading. No luck tonight it will have to be manual. Bathe the sponge in Graffslove and hope for the best, you and me my ScoPe! friend, we’ll have it equal. Wax on, wax off, the dribbling colours under control. First door done, ten minutes gone, twenty to one, only sixty more to go.
Achylles Brown
clic hop'n cut, a mixtape by the offine people by the offline people 2
01 giorgio moroder - einzelgänger
02 rom=pari - lisp
03 neon indian - should have taken acid with you
04 kelpe - the blankout agreement
05 bisk - chattering jazz
06 kill the vulture - moonshine
07 pigeon funk - mess call
08 debruit - nigeria what
09 subtitle - seventies western crime scene, pt 2
10 lone - endlessly
11 hudson mohawke - joy fantastic ft olivier daysoul
12 clark - rainbow voodoo
13 people like us / matmos / wobbly - cattle call
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