mercredi 13 mars 2013

Les Grands Anciens ne viennent pas tous de Mu

"Robert Beausoleil (reaches for guitar, tunes it, strums it, sings): “This is my song, this is my song, this is my dark song, my dark song …” Everybody always wants to know how I got together with Manson. It was through our music. He plays some, too. One night I was driving around with a bunch of my ladies. Well, we came to this old roadhouse, beer place, with a lot of cars outside. So we went inside, and there was Charlie with some of his ladies. We all got to talking, played some together; the next day Charlie came to see me in my van, and we all, his people and my people, ended up camping out together. Brothers and sisters. A family."

Lire l'interview complète de Bobby Beausoleil par Truman Capote : Then It All Came Down’: Truman Capote Interviews Bobby Beausoleil. San Quentin, 1973.

En savoir plus sur Lucifer Rising, sur Kenneth Anger, dont on dit de lui qu'il a eu « un profond impact sur l'œuvre de nombreux autres cinéastes et artistes, ainsi que sur le clip vidéo en tant que forme d'art en devenir, employant des séquences oniriques, la danse, les fantasmes, et le récit » ; et écouter la version de Lucifer Rising de Jimmy Page.

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